Customer Testimonials

Your drivers are so polite and patient when working with us on site. And, when we're at your landfill, your landfill crew is very efficient. Our particular industry has very stringent safety requirements and your staff is very respectful of those.

We believe in companies such as yours, as we deeply believe in improving the world through renewable energy, green innovation, global cooperation, and sustainable resourcing.  And to learn that First Piedmont Corporation additionally cares for the Community was just the cherry on top.  FPC has found a lifetime customer in us for as long as we are called to be in Lynchburg.

"Wanted to tell you once again how great your drivers have been to work with and Bennie is always a favorite. Doug has really exceed expectations in making sure everything was checked before leaving the plant and coming to storeroom to give us a summary of what had been done and was left to do so we could make sure all was taken care of and the correct PO was applied to the ticket. This is so greatly appreciated, plus Doug was very positive about talking with me on Friday to ensure we would be good for the weekend which I was thankful for – to help us and you to not have to call for weekend service."

"Just a quick note to let you know of a very positive experience I had this morning on the way to work involving one of your co-workers.

…I came across one of your drivers picking up a large bag of trash that was in the opposite lane in which he was traveling. He had pulled over, stopped traffic in a safe manner and then proceeded to pick up the bag of trash and throw it in his truck. I have no idea if the bag fell out of his truck (his truck was traveling in the opposite direction) but I do know a lot of people would have simply let the bag stay in the road only to be hit and spread all over the street. To say this driver provided  a good impression of FPC on all of us stopped in traffic would be an understatement."

"No matter when we email your Operations Manager, we hear back promptly, even if it's 10:30 at night! Your drivers are easy to work with come ready with a smile and even a joke. New drivers are well prepared for what to expect on our site before they even get here and they get the job done well. We appreciate being able to rely on First Piedmont without question."